Posted By Brian Trevaskiss
The other week I asked; What can we do to improve the way MoreFrom.Me is working for you?. I've had some great feedback emails and spoke on the phone with a lot of MoreFrom.Me-ers. There's been some good ideas for new features and things we can work on going forward, I'll cover those in future posts.
One of the reoccurring themes was 'I like the idea but how do I promote my MoreFrom.Me'.
I'd like to share with you the advice I gave to one MoreFrom.Me-er in particular. This is the feedback that came in:
'I have to be honest, my initial interest in has left me a little confused about how to promote it'.
Like a lot of early MoreFrom.Me-ers, Micheal has a background in IT and is running his own small business. His company is called Colhoun Technology Solutions that has a website at To help Micheal, I explained what I would do if I were in his position. Here's an extract from my reply to him, I hope you find it useful too.

If I were you, I'd set up a new MoreFrom.Me using your business name - You can choose to have a .Me or a .Biz version of MoreFromMe, so I'd go for or
I'd then skin it to match your site - I'd put the same logo on the top of the site and choose the same colour scheme.
I'd then pick the products I'd like to appear on my home page - by adding them as recommended products.
To enhance the site further, I'd add short reviews of these products - taking the content from
To show you what can be achieved - in terms of customisation I've produced this test site -
You can see the recommended products on the homepage and the star rating I've given them. When you click through on a recommended product you'll see (as in this example) that the review is highlighted, this only happens on the MoreFrom.Me that belongs to the reviewer.
Next I would write a news post on and send an email out to everyone I know - Telling them I've recently partnered with MoreFrom to sell online. I'd say I can now offer a massive range of tech products for sale (over 100,000).
I'd then post links to this news on Facebook and Twitter.
I'd then set about putting links on that take people to
I'd put a banner on the home page - we've produced some code for banners (they are in the manage your MoreFrom.Me area under Banners & Widgets). Or you could produce your own 'Shop Online' banner in your own graphic style.
Going forward, every time I added a review to I'd include a 'buy it now' link that went to the product page of the

If you'd like to discuss anything here or chat about MoreFrom.Me, send me some feedback or leave a comment below.
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