The ability to use your own domain is something you MoreFrom.Me-ers have asked for since we launched and I'm glad to say it can now be done.

If you're familiar with domain and DNS admin you'll have no problem swapping over, if you're not, the problem is every domain registrar has their own way of doing things, so it can get a bit tricky. Take a look at the details we give on the Custom Domain page, if any of it looks too complicated we recommend getting a techie friend to help you. We'd like to help, but we can't know exactly how the many different registrars work, so you will have to speak to them if you hit any problems. When you've told us the name of your domain, all we need to do is add it to our database, your registrar does the rest.
Don't let that put you off, it's not a big job at all, just a case of copying the right details into the right boxes in most cases.
In true Blue Peter fashion here's one we prepared earlier:
Use your own domain
Find in My Account
Log in to your 'My Account' and go to the 'Manage your MoreFrom.Me' area. In the menu on the lefthand side, under features, click on the 'Custom Domain' link. Enter your domain name then click the 'Use this domain' button. You'll then be given the details you need to make a change with your domain registrar.
Please note only one domain can be linked to your MoreFrom.Me in this way. If you'd like to use additional domains you will need to forward them to the domain you submit. Your registrar may offer domain forwarding and redirecting.
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